Das Beste Olivenöl aus dem Libanon!

Why do we want to sell Lebanese olive oil online in Germany?

We won't fill this page with general knowledge about the benefits of olive oil for our health, nor do we want to complain that the World Bank has ranked the crisis in Lebanon as one of the ten worst economic crises worldwide since the 19th century.

Instead, we aim to contribute to a better future for Lebanon. Our two main goals are:

1. Sustainability and Economy

"In Lebanon, almost every family produces olive oil. Olive oil is part of our identity."

In Lebanon, production is mostly based on ecological principles. Pesticides are avoided, and compost is used instead, resulting in lower yields but better quality. We want to take it a step further and, with our revenue, enable every farm to use solar energy to decarbonize their processes.

2. Social Goals

"On the right is my little brother Bob, enjoying a typical Lebanese breakfast with Lebanese olive oil."

Since he joined our family, Bob has been our greatest blessing. Lebanese society still largely views disabilities negatively.

As his four brothers, we have always advocated for Bob to be seen without pity. We can't describe how much we love Bob and wouldn't want him any other way!

Lebanon has good schools for children with special needs, but they are few and expensive. Scholarships played a crucial role in Bob's development, but due to the economic situation, these scholarships are no longer available. Our goal is for the olive oil industry to one day reinstate this support for similar children.

Until then... our short-term goal is to fully fund the educational development of one child with special needs in need!

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